LUNG is sorry that he cannot help PO. FUNG tries to cheer him up with her own experience. MON sees two little girls begging and believes that they are being used by kidnappers. When she reports it to the police, they laugh at her, but KIT believes her. Soon, they start seeing each other. LUI and HANG try to pull KIT and CHU together, but they do not like the idea. When CHU finds out that KIT is seeing MON, she tries to cover it up for them. CHEE praises KIT in front of CHU. She pretends to agree. CHU and MON follow the beggars and are caught by the kidnappers, whodemand a ransom. CHEE and KIT are very nervous. They try to trap them, but fail. FUNG is kidnapped too. LUNG kills the kidnappers by accident. MON and CHU are not found. CHEE tries hard to find clues on the kidnappers’ bodies and succeeds.