SONG and MIU are shocked to hear that their company has been burglarized. They hurry back to have a look and discover that the drawer has been broken and the money inside stolen. SONG suggests holding a barbecue for the staff, through which he hopes to find out who on earth has stolen the money. PUN would like to rent a place and turns to MIU for advice on all matters. MIU and PUN go out together, during which MIU has to struggle hard to curb her shopaholic tendencies. MIU discovers that an American enterprise has shown some interest in PUN’s research studies. Accompanied by SONG, MIU goes to visit PUN’s new home and is astonished to see that the place is actually arranged according to her taste and needs. MIU cannot keep the secret any more and finally decides to confide in SONG. MIU tries to make a poorly run kindergarten settle its debts and the principal Ms LUK asks her to extend the payment deadline……